Standardised Maths Tests

  • Standardised nationally using live data
  • 20,000 scores used for standardising
  • No marking or data input
  • Aligned with White Rose 3.0
  • Audio for all questions
  • Suitable for all ability children
  • Rigorous (can’t preview test)
  • Reliable attainment levels
  • Export data as CSV or Excel

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KS2 Standardised Maths Tests

Aligned with White Rose

The KS1 and KS2 standardised maths tests on are aligned with the most popular schemes of work, including White Rose 3.0 and also suitable for schools using the NFER Prioritisation Scheme.

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KS1 Standardised Maths Tests

Suitable for all children

The KS1 and KS2 standardised maths tests have been specifically designed to cater to all children, including those working below expected. Audio for all questions supports children who might otherwise struggle with reading the questions.

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KS2 Standardised Maths Assessments

No marking or data input

When a child finishes a KS1 or KS2 standardised maths assessment, the questions are automatically marked and a raw score is calculated for the child. This is a considerable time saver for teachers – no marking and no uploading of data! Children's raw scores are then converted to standardised scores using live test data from 1000s of children's data. Each child also receives an attainment level too.

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KS1 Standardised Maths Assessments

Detailed gap analysis

Detailed gap analysis allows a teacher to see the weakest National Curriculum objective, weakest area of maths or even the weakest question. The gap analysis report can be customised for particular children and all data can be exported as an Excel file.

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KS2 Standardised Maths Tests – Gap Analysis

School Data vs National

Clear reporting allows teachers to quickly see the % of children who are on track – Expected Standard or Higher Standard. Reporting for headteachers not only gives whole school insights, but also allows for comparison to the national average. Trust reports are also available and provide additional trust level insights.

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30 DAY Free Trial

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KS2 Standardised Maths Tests – Attainment