Year 1 Addition and Subtraction End-of-Unit Assessment

  • Suitable for all maths schemes
  • Instant marking
  • Detailed gap analysis
  • Works on iPads, laptops etc
  • Space for working out
  • Example answers
  • Track objectives achieved
  • Also ideal for pre-unit testing

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Year 1 Addition and Subtraction End-of-Unit Assessment

For all maths schemes

The Y1 addition and subtraction end-of-unit assessments on are suitable for all schools that use a National Curriculum based maths scheme. This includes White Rose 3.0, the NCETM Prioritisation scheme and Power Maths.

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Year 1 Addition and Subtraction End-of-Unit Assessments

Space for working out

The Year 1 addition and subtraction end-of-unit assessments on are completed online, with space for working out. They can be completed on iPads, PCs, Chromebooks, Samsung tablets and other devices, allowing children to use a touchscreen, mouse, or trackpad.

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Y1 Addition and Subtraction End-of-Unit Assessments

Example Answers

Once children have completed a Y1 addition and subtraction end-of-unit assessment, they can see their own responses and also example answers. For any question they answered incorrectly, they can see a correct solution.

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Y1 Addition and Subtraction End-of-Unit Assessment

Marking and analysis

When a child has finished a Year 1 addition and subtraction test, it is automatically marked. Gap analysis reports highlight the weakest National Curriculum objectives. These reports can be customised and downloaded.

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Year 1 Addition and Subtraction Test

Track objectives

Track all Year 1 addition and subtraction objectives including: interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs; represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20; add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20; solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction.

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Year 1 addition and subtraction objectives