Year 3 Autumn Term Maths Assessment

  • Standardised Scores
  • Written by maths specialists
  • Audio for all questions
  • Aligned with White Rose
  • Suitable for all ability children
  • Save time – no marking!
  • Accurate attainment levels
  • Detailed reports

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Year 3 Autumn Term Maths Assessment

Standardised scores

The Year 3 Autumn Term Math Test is standardised nationally using live data (over 20,000 scores) from other Y3 children who are taking the same test. Standardising using live test data ensures the scores provides an accurate and reliable indication of how each Y4 child compares to other Y3 children nationally.

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Year 3 Autumn Term Maths Test

Aligned with White Rose

The Year 3 Autumn Term Maths Assessment has been written to support teachers who use the most popular schemes of work – White Rose, the NFER Prioritisation Scheme etc. This means the Y3 Autumn Term maths papers assess number, place value, addition, subtraction and a few other topics.

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Year 3 Autumn Term Maths Paper

Arithmetic & Reasoning

The End of Autumn Term Y3 Maths Test is suitable for all Y3 children – those working below the expected standard and those working at a higher standard. All Y3 children complete one arithmetic paper and two reasoning papers. Each paper should take about 40 minutes.

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End of Autumn Term Y3 Maths Test

No marking!

Each End of Autumn Term Y3 Maths Assessment is automatically marked. This means teachers not only save time photocopying papers, but also save time marking the papers too! Each child receives a raw score, a standardised score and an attainment level.

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End of Autumn Term Y3 Maths Assessment

On Track?

Detailed reports allow teachers to identify which children are 'on track' and compare their data to the national average. Whole school reports are available for headteachers which provide a breakdown by class or year group. Additional reports are also available for MATs which give insights across the whole trust.

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End of Autumn Term Y3 Maths Paper