Year 5 Arithmetic Tests

  • Created by primary specialists
  • Works on iPads, laptops etc
  • Space for working out
  • Instant marking
  • Ideal for Y5 arithmetic practice
  • Detailed gap analysis
  • Suitable for homework
  • Download children's scores

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Year 5 Arithmetic Tests

10 × Y5 Arithmetic tests

There are ten Year 5 arithmetic tests on, and any of the tests can be used multiple times. Teachers can preview any Year 5 arithmetic questions in a test before setting them for the children to check they are suitable.

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Y5 Arithmetic Tests

Space for working out

The Year 5 arithmetic papers on are completed online, and space is available for children to show their working out on screen if they wish – either using a touchscreen or a mouse. All ‘working out’ is saved and can be reviewed by both the child and their teacher.

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Year 5 Arithmetic Papers

Examples Answers

After completing a Year 5 arithmetic test, children can review their answers alongside the correct ones. This feature is especially beneficial when a child makes a mistake, as it allows them to compare their own calculations with the example answers – helping them identify and understand where they went wrong.

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Year 5 Arithmetic Test

Instant marking

When a child has finished a Year 5 arithmetic test, it is instantly marked. Reporting tools allow a teacher to see which questions each child got wrong. Teachers can also view children’s answers and also spot whole-class weaknesses.

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Year 5 Arithmetic Practice

Detailed gap analysis

Detailed gap analysis of Year 5 arithmetic questions allows a teacher to find the weakest Y5 National Curriculum objectives for their class. The data can be exported as a CSV or Excel file.

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Year 5 Arithmetic Questions